Detecting and monitoring small mammals with trail cameras

Authors: Matthijs Smaal & Willem van Manen
Abstract: We have developed a device, the Struikrover®, for detecting and monitoring small mammals in the wild. This device is a trail camera encased in a tube. Through a study, covering 2590 trap nights and the analysis of over 130,000 pictures, we evaluate optimal camera settings and the intervals between refreshing the bait and compare our results with related studies in the Netherlands. We recommend taking pictures rather than videos, at a setting in which two pictures are taken each time the device is triggered, with a pause of one minute after the camera is first triggered. We also recommend leaving the Struikrover in place for 3-4 weeks to maximize its efficiency in terms of the number of species identified. The Struikrover proves to be a good option for detecting mammals up to the size of a western polecat (Mustela putorius). For larger animals we assume that a standard stand-alone trail camera is the better option. To cover the whole spectrum of mammal species a combination of Struikrover with a stand-alone trail camera would be ideal.