Lutra 65-2 2022
Tijdschrift Lutra (pdf)

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Contents / Inhoud
Editorial / Redactioneel
Enjoying Lutra!
Jan Piet Bekker
Research papers / Artikelen
Historical presence of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) in the IJssel River (the Netherlands) in 1450-1500
Sander Govaerts
Detecting and monitoring small mammals with trail cameras
Matthijs Smaal & Willem van Manen
Deformed Cetacea bones from the southern North Sea
Maja Raemakers & Arthur Oosterbaan
High prevalence of head and neck lesions in stranded seals: cause of death?
Jan Haelters, Francis Kerckhof & Sophie Brasseur
Potential effects of PC-amber on the activity of common pipistrelles (Pipistrellus pipistrellus)
Marlotte N. Jonker, Marcel J. Schillemans & Herman J.G.A. Limpens