Lutra 52(2)_Editorial_2009

This year, the Society for the Study and Conservation of Mammals, the publisher of this journal, proclaimed the western hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) as the Mammal of the Year. At the same time, the German Schutzgemeinschaft Deutsches Wild and the City of Antwerp did the same thing. Thus, in several neighbouring territories, 2009 has been the Year of the Hedgehog. The hedgehog can be seen as a flagship species which attracts the attention of the general public. People often see hedgehogs in their own surroundings, especially in their gardens. Lutra has taken the Year of the Hedgehog into account by publishing two articles on this animal in this volume. In the current issue Anouschka Hof and Paul Bright report on hedgehogs in cities. And, in the first issue of this year Toni Bunnell (Lutra 52 (1): 15-22) writes about the differences in the growth rates of young in early and late litters and between the sexes. The study of Hof and Bright is particularly relevant for the Year of the Hedgehog. It shows....