Lutra 64-1 2021
Tijdschrift Lutra (pdf)

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Contents / Inhoud
Editorial / Redactioneel
All animals...
Jan Piet Bekker
Research Papers / Artikelen
Decline of the number of occupied badger (Meles meles) setts in the Veluwe region (the Netherlands) and its possible causes
Hans Vink & Jaap Schröder
Cetaceans stranded in the Netherlands in 2015-2019
Guido O. Keijl, Michael F. Bakker Paiva, Lonneke L. IJsseldijk & Pepijn Kamminga
Diet of the first settled wolves (Canis lupus) in Flanders, Belgium
Timo Van Der Veken, Koen Van Den Berge, Jan Gouwy, Filip Berlengee & Kurt Schamp
Activity patterns of otters (Lutra lutra) in De Onlanden Nature Reserve, the Netherlands
Wim H.M. van Boekel