Lutra 54-1 2011
Tijdschrift Lutra (pdf)
Bruinvis, Meervleermuis, Veldspitsmuis, Vleermuizen algemeen, Watervleermuis

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Contents Inhoud
Editorial / Redactioneel
Panta Rhei
Bastiaan Meerburg
Research papers / Artikelen
Factors determining the use of culverts underneath highways and railway tracks by bats in lowland areas
Martijn Boonman
Differentiating the echolocation calls of daubenton's bats, pond bats and long-fingered bats in natural flight conditions
Marc Van De Sijpe
Recent trends and spatial patterns in nearshore sightings of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Netherlands (Southern Bight, North Sea) 1990-2010
Kees (C.J.) Camphuysen