Lutra 53-2 2010

Contents Inhoud
Editorial / Redactioneel
The bat, the weevil and other ‘species’
Ben Verboom
Research Papers / Artikelen
A comparison of the hibernation patterns of seven bat species in Estonia
Terhi Wermundsen & Yrjö Siivonen
The influence of treeline structure and wind protection on commuting and foraging common pipistrelles (Pipistrellus pipistrellus)
Ben Verboom & Hans H. Huitema
Badger (Meles meles) road mortality in the Netherlands: the characteristics of victims and the effects of mitigation measures
Jasja J.A. Dekker & Hans (G.J.) Bekker
The first historic record of a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) from the Low Countries (Southern Bight of the North Sea)
Jan Haelters, Francis Kerckhof & Kees (C.J.) Camphuysen
Short Notes / Korte Berichten
A killer whale (Orcinus orca) in the castle: first find of the species in a Dutch archaeological context
Jørn T. Zeiler & Erwin J.O. Kompanje
First record of soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus Leach, 1825; Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Wallonia (Belgium)
Daan Dekeukeleire
Book Reviews / Boekbesprekingen
Zoogdieren in Europa
Vincent van Laar