Lutra 50-2 2007
Tijdschrift Lutra (pdf)
Meervleermuis, Otter, Wezel, Zeezoogdieren

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Contents Inhoud
Editorial / Redactioneel
Editorial board
Contributed Papers / Artikelen
The least weasel (Mustela nivalis nivalis) in north-western Taimyr, Siberia, during a
lemming cycle
Sim Broekhuizen, Jaap L. Mulder, Gerard J.D.M. Müskens & Igor Yu. Popov
Hunting strategy and tympanate moth predation by the pond bat (Myotis dasycneme)
Marc Van De Sijpe & Ludo Holsbeek
Rare or underestimated? – The distribution and abundance of the pond bat (Myotis
dasycneme) in Poland
Mateusz Ciechanowski, Konrad Sachanowicz & Tomasz Kokurewicz
Short Notes / Korte Berichten
Re-mating in otter (Lutra lutra)
Sim Broekhuizen, Dennis R. Lammertsma & Gerard J.D.M. Müskens
Book Reviews / Boekbesprekingen
Cetaceans in the North Sea
Steve Geelhoed