Lutra 48-2 2005

Contents / Inhoud
Editorial / Redactioneel
From wild cats to wildcats
Editorial board
Contributed Papers / Artikelen
The wildcat (Felis silvestris) finally recorded in the Netherlands
Kees J. Canters, Johan B.M. Thissen, Annemarie (M.A.J.) van Diepenbeek, Hugh A.H. Jansman & Kor Goutbeek
The effects of landscape attributes on the use of small wildlife underpasses by weasel (Mustela nivalis) and stoat (Mustela erminea)
Maarten R. van Vuurde & Edgar A. van der Grift
In memoriam dr. Anne van Wijngaarden (1925-2004)
Sim Broekhuizen & Vincent van Laar
Comments / Commentaar
Reintroduction of the otter (Lutra lutra) in the Netherlands: did it really meet international guidelines
Bram E. van Liere & Lowie E. van Liere
Reintroduction of the otter in the Netherlands: implementation of international guidelines in the pre-release phase
Pieter van ’t Hof & Frank van Langevelde
Book Reviews / Boekbesprekingen
Seed dispersal (1)
Eric Cosyns
Seed dispersal (2)
A. Maarten Mouissie